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To conclude this session on being an effective member of formal meetings, it's important to remember that every meeting will have similarities and differences, and each will have different levels of formality and structure. The skills you can develop through utilising this training, however, will help equip you to adapt and settle in comfortably to a range of meetings, and to feel confident that you are a professional contributor! 

In this session, you've learned about the terms and professional jargon used in formal meetings, how to understand and what to expect from a formal meeting format, and what is expected from you in regards to your professional conduct. We hope that this helps you feel more comfortable in approaching formal meetings, and that it will help you get the most out of the meetings you attend.

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The University of Surrey Students’ Union is a private limited company, registered in England & Wales with registered number 07470232, registered at Union House, Guildford, GU2 7XH. The Union is also a registered charity, registered with charity number 1142479

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