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​​​Change One Thing​​​ 

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What would you like to change about the University? 

Big or small, Change One Thing​ is your opportunity to let the Union know what ideas you have, what you want to see done, and to vote on all the ideas we've had so far! ​All you need to do to add your idea in the list below is log in to the website with your University username and password and click 'new document' below. Once your idea's a​dded, all students will be able to vote for your idea by pressing the 'like' link.  

As well as helping the Voice Zone throughout the year, the top ideas from Change One Thing will be taken to the Union Executive committee for debate and discussion amongst a range of elected Union officers. Exec is open to all students to attend and meets throughout term time. If you'd like, you can also submit ideas directly to Exec by writing a policy motion. To find out more about Exec and when it meets, here. 

​Your ideas

Open Gym and food-outlet option at Hazel Farm

  ​There's a lot of open space in Manor park for doing outdoor exercise. Even Stag hill has one open-air gym in PATS field. But Hazel farm does not have it. It will be vey nice, if such a facilty is buit there also.Similarly both Manor park and Stag-hill have eating outside options, particularly late night and on weekends when friends meet-up and have parties; there should be something similar for Hazel farm residents also.
University policy reguarding fossil fuel companies
​The University is making large steps towards being perceived as 'environmentally friendly' - but this image needs to translate in actual, long-term action, and that action is policy change. While Surrey currently has a policy which prevents it from accepting money from Tobacco Companies,  they do not have a policy in place barring them from accepting money from or investing in fossil fuel companies. Without this formal policy, many of the University's efforts and changes towards being more 'eco' feel like hollow 'green-washing'.  Fossil fuel companies are the leading contributors to pollution, and therefore, to the climate epidemic - so we want the university to commit, formally and legally to never taking money from these companies. 
Places to go at night
​Many people have said they are not confident to call people on the phone when they are feeling stressed or low. So wouldn't it be a fantastic investment to have a place on campus open 24/7 where there is someone who people can go and talk to. I thought it would be a good idea to advocate this and speak up about mental health.
Introduce women's only swimming sessions at the SSP
​Some female students (as well as non student members) may feel uncomfortable swimming in a pool that is mixed. This may be due to religious reasons, personal reasons, or simply personal preference. In the interest of getting more women into sports it is important to offer as many options as possible to encourage them to be more active. The fact that it was possible to include a women's only swimming session during the 'This girl can' SSP takeover, suggests that this change is definitely possible.Proposed action:> Introduce women-only swimming sessions (options include, but not limited to - once weekly/once fortnightly/once monthly) the more often the better.> All windows should be covered during these sessions for better privacy and additional comfort. > Lifeguards present during these sessions should be female (if this is not possible for some sessions, an announcement should be made to inform people so that those who are uncomfortable with a male lifeguard are aware and can choose not to attend these sessions).> Offering a Pay As You Go option for those who are unable to afford  a SSP membership for better inclusivity.
More Computer Spaces

  ​Everyday I spend ages looking for a space in a computer room in order to complete coursework and usually I don't find any and have less time than I had planned to actually do work. When I do find a room it is rare that I actually get to stay in it and often get kicked out by a member of staff who insists they booked the room but that it just hasn't been listed on the timetable. Often tutorials are held in rooms way too big for the actual number of people attending making it frustrating for those who really need a computer. Places like AP Lab 1, that are specifically for student independent study are often packed and the library usually isn't any better. Computers have been removed from levels 4 and 5 replaced with bulky slow laptops which you still need to find a space to sit down with and can only have for 4 hours at a time. Group work is almost impossible to complete with splash, level 4 and innovation for health constantly busy. For those who are unable to work at home this puts them at a distinct disadvantage, only able to complete work once lectures have finished.Ideally there would be more computer spaces specifically for student independent study. But also I think having a system like the computer lab availability page but so that students may see a timetable for which computer rooms are booked for when to save hours of walking around campus looking for a room. 
​We would really like some microwaves in Hillside. Almost every day, some of us bring lunch and some of us buy it, and it is a huge hassle to heat up lunch in the library (with its queues) and then have to walk over to Hillside to join your friends. Echoing someone below, there is a real lack of water fountains across campus as well, and we would like at least one per building!
More water machines around campus & the union
​As raised by somebody else below their is a distinct lack of water machines on the university campus and in the union. I specifcally think a water machine would be useful in Youngs Kitchen/ the Basement for use by all students during the day, societys and individuals using the space in the evenings and for use when the Basement is open of a night as this would reduce queues at the bar for people asking for water. 
Parking - particularly for PGRs
​Echoing what someone below has said, the parking situation is really disappointing. Paying for SOUPS and then not being able to park on campus (Stag Hill), and the alternative parking is further away than free public parking. The transport team have been somewhat unhelpful and unsympathetic in recent weeks. SOUPS stands for Student Occasional Use Parking - PGRs' working patterns are not "occasional use" and therefore this system is not appropriate for us. There is clearly a lack of parking on Stag Hill (even staff have certain limitations to their permits) and I think the University need to look seriously at increasing the number of parking spaces available. 
Bike spaces

  ​​​​​There are not enough bike parking spaces on campus. It would​ be great to have more bike stands along the AC/AB building on the library side (expanding the current spaces) and some more could built in the corner of AD building. Those spaces are currently empty and are not really used as main walking ways. And are on the very convenient location - close to the library and LT. The best would be to have them sheltered, however even a simple stand would be beneficial. It would provide a hassle free bike commute, and it would prevent railings being damaged, and obstructed by bikes, which could cause problems for others. 
PGRs should have access to staff parking permit
​PGRs have a student status but work and have teaching duties on a daily basis. Why should PGRs be restricted to a student parking permit with its severe parking days limitation when they actually work as staff? Most of PGRs do experimental work that requires them to work extra long hours or at unusual times (when working on live cultures for example). The parking situation at the University is catastrophic already, especially with the recent changes to the SOUPS permit system requiring all students (including PGRs) to park 30 min away with no shuttle bus provided. This makes days even longer. Allowing PGRs access to staff permits will strongly improve PGRs' wellbeing. Plus the number of PGR students owning a car is quite limited so the number of additional cars parked on campus should not be a major issue.
Water Fountains
There is a distinct lack of water fountains around campus to fill up water bottles. This has links to Surrey Moves and will ensure students stay hydrated. 
Smoking Shelters
​I think there needs to be more of the smkoing shelters around campus, as currently there are very few around the campus. This is particualrly true around the accomodation. Currently there are none around the accomodation, which leads to many people smoking close to others windows. However, if bins were placed where the smkoing bins are currently this would provide a suitable place to smoke and would prevent smoke going into anyones windows. 
Dissertation supervisor
​Should have dissertarion supervisors who is an expert in the subject. Would be much better for students im terms of guidelines and advises.
surrey learn

  ​​It should be improved the surrey learn system to make it easy for studets and staff
​Union website is not frequently updated enough and it's really old and need remodelling.
Make Degree Grades Accessible
SITS should display your current average mark for your degree clearlyOR AT LEASTThere should be a guided talk to your programme handbook to explain how to calculateyour current degree classification.
More Bins
There should be more bins on the general campus outside areas for general waste.
Graduation Prices
The matter is the fact that we have to pay a fee of £45 to hire (not buy) our graduation robe AND that staff have failed to clearly mention this to students. I do not think it is affordable for students to pay this amount of money for a garment, especially when the alternative to paying this fee is to not attend the graduation ceremony.Adding up with all the other graduation activities, this makes attending the graduation ceremony extremely expensive. How is it possible when we are already paying £9000 a year? This is simply absurd.
No Assessments in Reading Week
 This is a petition to ask the University of Surrey to remove all assessments from reading week from the academic year 2017/18 onwards. This is on the basis that those students who have assessments in week 15, are less able to participate in the broad range of activities provided by societies and clubs. Having spent the Christmas period revising, students should have the option to relax in reading week, to aid their focus and mental well-being.
Standardise Printing Credits
The university should standardise the number of printing credits provided to each student. Presently the system is dependent on the department, some students receive £10, others are given unlimited printing credits. This standardised system must take into account that some courses provide more content, but ultimately should achieve the goal of not discriminating. Currently some students can print as much content as they want, whereas other students must pay for the same privilege.
Front Room No Alcohol Policy
With there already being areas on campus where alcohol can be consumed (e.g. Wates Brothers and Hari's Bar) with alcohol consumption also being allowed in court reception communal areas there is a definite absence of space in which students whom are uncomfortable with the culture of student drinking and/or  are teetotal can socialise without being surrounded by the pressures and actions of those who may become inebriated. Additionally there has been increasing levels of damage to property (i.e. antique furniture, board games, pool table etc.) in the Front Room as a consequence of 'pre-drinking'.Therefore I and those whom likethis petition move for a re-consideration and update of the No Alcohol Policy for the Front Room that was brought up at the 2016 AMM.

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University of Surrey
Stag Hill, Guildford

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01483 689 223

The University of Surrey Students’ Union is a private limited company, registered in England & Wales with registered number 07470232, registered at Union House, Guildford, GU2 7XH. The Union is also a registered charity, registered with charity number 1142479

Copyright University of Surrey Student's Union 2018
