Campaign Resources
Whether you're new to campaigning or not, we've put together some helpful worksheets and campaign materials to help you learn anything you may need about running a successful campaign.
First steps
Looking for an introduction? Check out the VP Voice's 'Creating your Campaign' guide for all the info you need on to how to get your campaign registered and find support for your group the Students' Union!

Campaign Development
If you've decided the main aspects of your campaign, check out our additional worksheets to help develop your ideas, identify the key people to make your campaign a success, and form your campaign's action plan:

Can the Zones help?
Don't forget that you can also get in touch with the four Zones - these each have 6 Officers with a range of intests and skills that may be able to help you out! Here's what they each do:
Voice - this is the Zone for students that have something to say. We lead on democracy, student opinion, and championing national issues. Email us at
Community - this is the Zone for bringing people together. We lead on volunteering, fundraising, and issues on campus/Guildford. Email us at
Support - this is the Zone for supporting students and supporting those who want to support others. We lead on wellbeing, diversity/inclusion, and student-led support like Nightline or Wellfare Watch. Email us at
Activity - this is the Zone for students that want to get involved. We lead on sports, socieities, and individual development. Email us at