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MySurrey Voice 

This year, a brand new feedback platform has been introduced to help you gather and escalate student feedback.  The platform is currently live for UG, PTY, and PGT students. 

What is MySurrey Voice? 

MySurrey Voice is an online space on a platform powered by Unitu, and functions as an online tool where you can raise and discuss feedback about your course. Course Reps have the responsibility of escalating feedback to the attention of staff, and staff can resolve feedback. 

Each discussion board has a private area where you can ask questions, post ideas and raise issues. 

If a topic gains enough student agreement, it will be anonymised and moved by you as the Course Rep into the public area. The public area is where staff can interact with the discussion and work with you to resolve issues and develop ideas further. You'll be able to see what's in progress and what's completed. 

What kind of feedback could you share on your MySurrey Voice discussion board? 

  • Any issues you encounter whilst studying on your course 
  • New ideas or activities to benefit your academic experiences 
  • Changes to your course which could improve your satisfaction 
  • Positive feedback and praise about parts of your course that you enjoy 
  • Concerns about parts of your course you would like to improve 
  • Anything else you would like to feedback to the University! 

Your role on MySurrey Voice 

You must complete your Unitu training and account activation as soon as possible and get posting and moderating your private spaces! You can access Unitu training from the link in the Course Rep training space on SurreyLearn, and you can log into the platform itself via the MySurrey App and SurreyLearn, or by visiting    

As a Rep, you are responsible for the following tasks: 

  • Encouraging students to post on MySurrey Voice 
  • Posting relevant feedback you have gathered elsewhere 
  • Removing any inappropriate, offensive, or abusive content 
  • Reviewing reports from other students on inappropriate content 
  • Responding to other students feedback posts  
  • Escalating suitable feedback to the public space to the attention of staff 

How to use MySurrey Voice

Effective Reps are active and attentive to student feedback being shared on MySurrey Voice. When you are representing students by escalating feedback on your MySurrey Voice board, you can keep in mind these top tips:  

  • Click the “post as update” button when you comment on a post 
    • You are expected to respond within a certain amount of time on the platform, so if you post a comment on the feedback and select “post as update”, this will reset the clock and show students you have acknowledged their feedback on time 
  • Check the number of likes and comments a post has before you escalate it 
    • This will ensure you’re checking that you’re escalating feedback that will benefit multiple students. Do not just escalate feedback with 1 or 2 likes as this may not be a majority view. “Boost” feedback that you want to get more engagement on to see what a wider range of students think before you escalate it to staff 
  • Leave posts in the private space if you want to get more likes/comments to give the suggestion more weight 
    • Provided you post an update to explain to students this is what you’re doing, it’s absolutely fine to leave it a few days to get wider agreement before you move it to the attention of staff  
  • When you’re ready to escalate feedback, write an update to let students know this is what you’ll do 
    • This will show students who you are and what your role as a Course Rep is 
  • Signpost urgent or very personal issues to module leaders or the Hive 
    • Posting on MySurrey Voice may not get an instant response! Very urgent issues or sensitive, personal questions from students should be dealt with elsewhere and signposted accordingly 
  • Encourage your fellow students to engage with the board by posting and sharing their positive feedback and suggestions for improvements 
    • We want to see a broad range of feedback on MySurrey Voice, so be clear when you communicate to your fellow students about the board and its purpose that the tool is for all feedback, both positive and constructive 

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University of Surrey
Stag Hill, Guildford

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01483 689 223

The University of Surrey Students’ Union is a private limited company, registered in England & Wales with registered number 07470232, registered at Union House, Guildford, GU2 7XH. The Union is also a registered charity, registered with charity number 1142479

Copyright University of Surrey Student's Union 2018
