Influence Your Union
All students are members of the Students' Union, which is a membership led organisation. This means we exist to do what our student members want us to do, so it's important you understand how you can influence our decisions.
Make Your Change:
Every year in October, the Union runs the 'Make Your Change' campaign where students select the priority campaign for the Union which we will work on all year.
Run your own campaign:
If the Union's own campaigning ideas don't appeal to you, you can create and run your own campaign. We have created a campaign platform which you can use to apply for funding for your campaign. Clcik the buttons below for more information.
Lead the way:
Any student can run for an elected position in the Union. Whether it's a full time paid sabbatical role, a voluntary zone position or becoming a course rep to represent your cohort's views, we are here to help you become a student leader. Visit the Union's election pages for more information.
Tell us your feedback, influence our policies and processes:
If you are aware of a University or Union process that you don't agree with, you don't think something is fair or efficient, or you can think of a better way to achieve a goal, please give us your feedback. We are keen to hear from you on any issue that's bothering you, big or small. There are various ways you can give us your feedback:
- Use our feedback form - you will receive updates from us on what we are doing with your feedback
- Speak to your Course Rep on any academic issues
- Email Theo the VP Voice at
You said: we did:
Find out all the ways that your feedback and views are influencing the way we work and the way we represent your views to the University. Visit the 'you said we did' page.